My wife and I served as evangelical, protestant missionaries in France for eleven and a half years, after which I became the pastor and director of a Christian school in a French-speaking evangelical church, L'Eglise Evangelique de Saint Jerome, in Quebec, Canada. After serving in Quebec for five years, we then moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where I became the pastor of the First Evangelical Church of Greenville. In 1995, we moved to Tallahassee, Florida, where I eventually assumed the management of the family business, and remained there until 2012, when our family moved to Meridian, Idaho. My wife and I have six children. These short devotionals are born out of the loss of one of these children in particular, with the hope and prayer that they will serve to encourage and inspire those who read them in their walk with Christ. God bless you all, and may we finish well the race set before us.

The Old Man And The Promise

“The Lord appeared unto Abram, and said unto him, ‘I am the Almighty God; walk before Me and be thou perfect.’” Genesis 17: 1-2 Dear Ones: We are apt to think that age is a very limiting factor with respect to the blessing of God.  In the case of Abram, the contrary was true.  Why? …

The Comfort of Christ

  “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of all mercies, and the God of all comfort.” 2 Corinthians 1:3 Dear Ones: From the moment that man first sinned against God, there was the fulfillment of the words of God:  “…for in the day that you eat of it…

The Comfort of God

“…The God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation.” 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Dear Ones: The message of comfort is one that began to be declared in the Garden of Eden, for a promise was given that would stretch down through the centuries and millennia until this very day.  In speaking to the…

Heavenly Vision: Earthly Reality

“And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, ‘Who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof?’” Revelation 5:2 Dear Ones: When the Apostle John, by the Spirit, sees a door open in heaven, he is ushered into the very presence of God, the angels, angelic beings, elders,…

The Prayer for Glory

Dear Ones: In one of Moses’ prayers, he specifically asks God:  “Let Your work appear unto Your servants, and Your glory unto their children.” (Ps. 90:16)  Why does He ask this in the context of “numbering our days, that we may present unto You a heart of wisdom?” (v. 12)  It is because, “…without a…

The Doctrine of “Today”

Dear Ones: One of the great tenants of true Christianity is the doctrine of “Today.”  What do we mean by this?  In Hebrews 3:7, we read:  “TODAY, if you will hear His voice…”  By this simple phrase we are confronted with the reality that God speaks in the present moment, TODAY.  The great issue then…

The Sufficient Insufficiency

Dear Ones: The paradox and the enigma…such is Christianity, “…for when I am weak then am I strong.” (2 Cor. 12:10)  On the one hand, the Lord Jesus declares:  “…for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)  On the other hand, Paul declares:  “…I can do ALL things through Christ which strengthens me.” (Phil.…

The Way Home

Dear Ones: For seventy years Israel was in exile, having been taken there by the Babylonians.  The Psalmist would write of that time:  “By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yes, we wept, when we remembered Zion.  For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that…

The Mighty Shepherd

Dear Ones: I was once working at a conference center in France, and enjoying a little time off.   Seated on the side of a hill, I noticed a small group of sheep on the slope across the small valley.  There was one little lamb which seemed oblivious of all the other sheep, and consequently, began…

Forward, Not Backward

Dear Ones: At the end of the day concerning the Kingdom of God, that which matters is the will of the King…the knowing and doing of the will of God.  We are so apt to be distracted by a myriad of occupations and preoccupations without and within, that we can neglect, even forget, that Jesus…