My wife and I served as evangelical, protestant missionaries in France for eleven and a half years, after which I became the pastor and director of a Christian school in a French-speaking evangelical church, L'Eglise Evangelique de Saint Jerome, in Quebec, Canada. After serving in Quebec for five years, we then moved to Greenville, South Carolina, where I became the pastor of the First Evangelical Church of Greenville. In 1995, we moved to Tallahassee, Florida, where I eventually assumed the management of the family business, and remained there until 2012, when our family moved to Meridian, Idaho. My wife and I have six children. These short devotionals are born out of the loss of one of these children in particular, with the hope and prayer that they will serve to encourage and inspire those who read them in their walk with Christ. God bless you all, and may we finish well the race set before us.

God’s Stirring Up Of The Heart

“Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord spoken by the mouth of Jeremiah might be accomplished, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia.” 2 Chronicles 36:22 What does it mean when Scripture speaks of God stirring up someone, or some people?  Certainly,…

The Quiet Working Of God

“But Jesus stooped down, and with His finger wrote on the ground, as though He heard them not.” John 8:6 When David wrote in the Psalm 23 about “green pastures and still waters,” what was he referring to?  Or rather what was the Spirit of God seeking to reveal to those  who would believe?  The…

The Inextinguishable Light

“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear not evil; for Thou art with me: Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 In one of Paul Gerhardt’s hymns, he writes: “Midst the darkness, storm, and sorrow, One bright gleam I see; Well I know the…

Working While It Is Day

“And unto the one he gave five talents, to another, two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey.” Matthew 25:15 In the context of the Christ’s teaching of the last days, He addresses also the issue of the characteristics of the kingdom of God.  These…

Signs Of Readiness

“I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him, but I could not find him. I called him but he gave me no answer.” Song of Solomon 5:6 Sometimes in a believer’s life, it takes time to understand what the great…

Trust Not Your Own Understanding

“…and He shall not judge after the sight of His eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of His ears.” Isaiah 11:3 The book of Isaiah is probably one of the greatest books ever written, not by virtue of the manner in which it was written, and the vastness and power of its message, but because…

Justice, Judgment, And Mercy

“I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto Thee, O Lord, I will sing.” Psalm 101:1 It was in the Sermon on the Mount, when comparing the pursuit of the necessities of life with spiritual objectives, that Jesus would command: “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things…

Loving God

“Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” 1 John 4:10 In one of Charles Wesley’s great hymns concerning the love of God, he begins like this: “O Love divine, what hast thou done! Th’incarnate God hath died for…

The Response To God’s Goodness

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.” Psalm 100:4,5 It is a remarkable thing that the eternal King, Maker of Heaven and Earth, and the sole…